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Minutes of the Town Council Meeting - 17 December 2015


North Ward:   

Councillor D Bushby
Councillor P S Christie
Councillor D A D McGeough
Councillor P J Pester (Town Mayor)

South Ward:   

Councillor D Brenton
Councillor J Day
Councillor A T Inch
Councillor S G Inch
Councillor R I Wootton

South (Outer) Ward   

Councillor D Howell

East Ward:   

Councillor Mrs R M Craigie
Councillor  P Davies
Councillor  M C Langmead
Councillor J A McKenzie
Councillor  S Robinson


Mrs H J Blackburn (Town Clerk)
Mr R D Coombes (Deputy Town Clerk)
Mrs L Dixon-Chatfield (Town Clerk’s Assistant)
Councillor R Julian (DCC)
Mr G Blight (Chamber of Commerce)
2 x Members of the Public


Councillor T J Johns (North Ward – personal). 


Councillors Brenton, Christie, Langmead and Pester all declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 23. (Members, Bideford Bridge Trust).  Councillor Brenton declared a pecuniary interest in Item 11.a.52.f. (Landowner).


There was no participation.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 29 October 2015 were approved and signed as a correct record.

(Vote – For: 12, Against: 0, Abstention: 3)


To approve the payments listed.

Councillors McGeough and Langmead questioned the large amount of money spent on the Christmas Lights especially, as Councillor Langmead noted, that further payments were being made direct to the Festive Lighting Company.  Questions were also raised about the storage costs and whether the invoices included the cost of the new Christmas Trees.

The Town Clerk advised Members that the costs came within the itemised quotation agreed by the Staffing, Finance and General Purpose Committee and included a replacement / enhancement programme for items that had not been updated for ten years.  She noted that a number of the older lights were not new in the first instance and that the current array had been produced specifically for the Town.  She advised she would come back to Members with information about the Christmas Trees and storage element of the invoice.

The Town Clerk added that the Contractors payment was not exclusively for the Christmas Lights.

Councillor Langmead did proffer praise for the Lighting while Councillor Robinson believed that the amount was relatively modest in relation to the numbers that contribute to the Precept.  He added that a number had acclaimed them and the quality of the lighting was positive for the Town.

The Mayor advised Members that the Election cost was substantially more than had been originally advised by TDC.

It was proposed by Councillor Langmead, seconded and

RESOLVED:  that the list of payments be approved, subject to the Town Clerk providing a breakdown of the Christmas Lighting costs.

(Vote – For: 15, Against: 0)


a.   Members had received a copy of Councillor Dezart’s report that introduced Pedestrian access to Manteo Way from Mines Road, Pollyfield Community Centre interest in Civic Centre Solar Panels and Victoria Park Junior Park Run).

b.   The Chairman welcomed Councillor Julian to the Meeting.

Councillor Julian thanked the Chairman and greeted the Members whilst speaking on the condition of the A39 at Fairy Cross, dirty road signs, Devolution (Devon and Somerset axis, Cornwall will remain independent) and social care provision which will see Central Government transferring more powers to (the) County.

c.   The Chairman invited Members to raise questions and comments that included:

Councillor Langmead restated that the Council wished that the (County) Councillor’s report was exclusive to Bideford.  He further complained that a blocked drain next to the Bus Stop along the Quay (Manor car park) had not been attended to during the six weeks in which it had been notified and the worsening condition. 

He requested that the (Devon) Councillors apply pressure, on behalf of the people of Bideford, to affect a positive outcome.  (Councillor Julian will champion the cause – having influenced improvement on the Long Bridge, when previously requested.)

Councillors A T and S G Inch advised that they had reported the issue; the local Highway Officer indicated that it was not a Health and Safety Concern while Councillor S G Inch indicated that he had lost faith in the reporting chain.

Councillor Robinson questioned whether the Parish Lengthsman was still in existence

Councillor Christie noted that Coldharbour, a small road, suffered with traffic and parking issues in a similar way to Grenville Street.  He also referred to the redundant Bus Time Table framework (Councillor Julian advised that there had been no time limit / date provided for the work to re-site).

Councillor Howell stated that north of the M5 / A 30 salient line the communities suffered from DCC neglect.  Devolution will be worse for North Devon where introducing more people through other Councils will only dilute the current poor services further.

Councillor Julian replied that doing nothing will be a bad choice, will see the Council left behind adding that (Devolution) will happen.

Councillor Bushby advocated liaising with local officers on local concerns although Councillor Robinson indicated that it was difficult to access the officers (through the County’s call centre).

d.   The Chairman thanked Councillor Julian for addressing the Meeting.


a.   The Chairman welcomed the Vice-President of the Bideford and District Chamber of Commerce to the meeting.

b.   Mr Blight introduced himself to the Members whilst praising the Chairman (of the Chamber, who apologised for non-attendance) for her very charismatic leadership, hard work, passion about the local area and the Chamber.

He highlighted the importance of the Bideford Town Centre Partnership (BTCP) and thanked the Council for the Services of the Town Clerk’s Assistant, Mrs Dixon-Chatfield, who provided invaluable support to him, as Chairman.  Members of the Partnership are working with North Devon + on an Economic Plan following receipt of a £10,000 grant.

In looking for better representation from DCC he had lobbied County Hall, through Councillor Hart who provided a dedicated liaison officer, Mr D Slocombe.  This he regarded was a positive step forward.  This direct link is one of thirteen such officers operated throughout the County.  Mr Blight added that the Officer could “look at the puddle” on the Quay.

The Businesses of Bideford (BoB) have scheduled five annual Events.  There are five elements to their approach, as indicated for the recent Late Night Shopping Day, 8 December 2015:

•    Town is open (good advertising), specifically aimed after the excellent Christmas Lights’ Switch On.
•    Encourage people into the Town.  Full car parks, supported by a TDC sponsored free car parking initiative.  This he believed confirmed that free (TDC) car parking will result in more people visiting the Town.
•    Feedback – friendly atmosphere.
•    Forward planning, organisers started in January that saw eighty shops and stalls trading on the Night.
•    Fiscal benefits to be confirmed.

He confirmed that there is a cost to producing the Events although BoB do not charge but beg and borrow; the Conservative Club, Green Goose and Lavington Church provided venues (free of charge).

The Meetings, incorporating guest speakers, were well attended.

Criticisms levelled at the Chamber included focus on Bideford although efforts are being made to incorporate Appledore and Westward Ho! representation. 

c.   The Chairman invited Members to raise questions and comments that included:

•    Appreciation for a very informative presentation.
•    Summer evenings and Saturdays see Cafés closed at 5.00 pm.
o    Encourage improvement; coach drivers won’t go to empty Towns.
•    Surprise that the two hours free parking requested by the Chambers was not on the Agenda for the TDC, Community and Resources Meeting.
•    Town Council supported 8 December Event by providing free stalls and, in three cases, benefit of cheap insurance cover, to additional traders all day.  Open 8.00 am to 8.00 pm.  BoB / TCP and Chamber should work with the Pannier      Market in partnership.
•    Recent Chamber Meeting had highlighted the availability of FLAG II monies.

d.   The Chairman thanked Mr Blight for addressing the Meeting.


A report by Sergeant McWhinnie, Neighbourhood Team Leader, Bideford Police Station, had been circulated to Members giving crime figures covering October and November 2015. 

Burglary Dwelling     3
Burglary non-Dwelling    5
Criminal Damage            21
Other Sexual Offences     5
Other Offences             2
Other Theft            21
Possession of Drugs     6
Possession of Weapons    1
Public Order Offences   13
Rape                     2
Shoplifting            23
Trafficking of Drugs     4
Vehicle Offences     6
Violence with Injury    32
Violence without Injury    34

Beat Name    Offence    Sep 15
Bideford East-the-Water    Criminal Damage     3
    Burglary non-Dwelling             2
    Other Sexual Offences             2
    Other Theft                     4
    Possession of Drugs             1
    Public Order Offences         3
    Rape                 1
    Shoplifting             2
    Trafficking of Drugs         2
    Vehicle Offences         1
    Violence with Injury         6
    Violence without Injury        10
sub total                 37
Bideford Town    Burglary Dwelling     1
    Burglary non-Dwelling         2
    Criminal Damage             8
    Other Offences             1
    Other Sexual Offences         1
    Other Theft            12
    Possession of Drugs         4
    Public Order Offences         6
    Shoplifting            20
    Trafficking of Drugs         2
    Vehicle Offences         3
    Violence with Injury        13
    Violence without Injury        15
sub total                 88
Bideford Residential    Burglary Dwelling     2
    Burglary non-Dwelling             1
    Criminal Damage                10
    Other Offences                 1
    Other Sexual Offences             1
    Other Theft                 3
    Possession of Drugs             1
    Possession of Weapons             1
    Public Order Offences             4
    Rape                     1
    Shoplifting                 1
    Trafficking of Drugs             0
    Vehicle Offences             1
    Violence with Injury             9
    Violence without Injury             9
sub total                     45
Bideford Londonderry    Other Theft         1
    Vehicle Offences             1
    Violence with Injury             2
    Other Sexual Offences             1
Bideford Raleigh Hill    Other Theft         1
    Violence with Injury             2
sub total                     3
Total                           178

In the Report he further stated:

“Some of you will be aware of a small number of incidents of Anti Social Behaviour in and around Cooper Street linked to the licensed premises, Chatterbox (formerly known as Karma, prior to court action).  I am pleased to say that the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) has now handed in his licence and the premises is not currently trading as a public house.  We will continue to monitor any developments with this and take enforcement action if required and the grounds exist.

The group of teenagers who had been causing Anti Social Behiour (ASB) in the Town had gone quiet for a couple of months, but have raised their heads again over recent weeks.  As a result arrests have been made and further enforcement under the ASB escalation process is being undertaken in order to disrupt their behaviour and attempt to stop their anti social and sometimes criminal behaviour.

On the 15 and 16 October we conducted a small operation targetting the boy racers in Bank End car park.  This was as a result of a number of noise/ASB complaints.  Everyone spoken to engaged well and few offences were detected.  However, since the end of October when McDonalds opened up on Clovelly Rd. this group appear to have migrated away from the town and no complaints have been recieved since.

We will be holding some operations in and around the town in December as part of the Force Drink Drive campaign.

I was pleased to see that the Christmas Light switch on event on Sunday 6 November appeared to be extremely well attended and on the whole a peaceful family event.  I have also heard extremely good reports about the late night shoping event on Tuesday 8 November.”

Members noted the report and discussed further the Licensing status of the Chatterbox Café and the premises trading Legal Highs.  Questions were raised regarding the proximity of the ASB in relation to the Legal High shop and the continuation of the PCSOs presence after January 2016; the importance of their work was raised. 

The Police Liaison Councillor had not attended a meeting (with the Police) recently through lack of communication.  She agreed to set up a meeting with them in order to establish answers to the Members’ questions.


a.   The Mayor, with a number of fellow councillors, had attended the Excellent Town Band’s Annual Concert.  He added that the Town were lucky to have such commitment from the Town and Pipe Bands.

b.   A local restaurateur had praised the Christmas Lights quoting,

“frankly Bideford looks better than Fifth Avenue, Manhattan! We should all feel very proud.”


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 November 2015 were approved and signed as a correct record.

(Vote – For: 15, Against: 0)

(Councillor Day left the Chamber.)


Councillor Christie raised concerns about Item 50.h. 1/0918/2015/FUL Amendments to road layout and received support from Members to further consider the application, with additional information, at the next Planning Meeting to be held on 23 December 2015.

(Councillor Day returned to the Chamber.)

The Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 November and 2 December 2015 were approved and signed as a correct record.

(Vote – For: 15, Against: 0)


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 November and 10 December 2015 were approved and signed as a correct record.

(Vote – For: 15, Against: 0)


The Minutes of the Meetings held on 3 December 2015 were approved and adopted.

(Vote – For: 15, Against: 0)


Councillor Day requested that amendments be made to reflect that 361 Energy should read 361 Energy CIC and that KwH should be amended to kw.  He further requested that where he had stated that the DCC Free Solar Panels were potential fire hazards, this should be amended to read, “a slight chance of a fire hazard with that model of panel.”

Councillor Christie declared that he did not advocate that Tenants benefit from free energy. 

The Town Clerk highlighted the Recommendation at Item 15.

Subject to the amendment the Minutes of the Meetings held on 8 December 2015 were approved and adopted.

(Vote – For: 14, Against: 0, Abstention: 1)


Councillor S G Inch thanked and praised the Deputy Town Clerk for producing the Minutes so efficiently.

The Minutes of the Meetings held on 8 December 2015 were approved and adopted.

(Vote – For: 15, Against: 0)


The Town Clerk indicated that clarification is required on rules 8.b. and 8.u. (Bideford Town Council Standing Orders).  She had indicated to Members that it is not clear whether a motion must be seconded before any debate takes place, although it would seem prudent to allow the Mover of the Motion to be permitted to explain the motion prior to it being seconded.

Councillor Brenton believed that the Councillor submitting the Motion has the right to explain it further.

Councillor Christie saw merit in restricting the time for explanation.

The Chairman indicated that following a preamble if no seconder was forthcoming there should be no debate.  Councillor Howell was in agreement.

Councillor Brenton further believed that any amendment should not be a direct negative of the Motion.  He also spoke in terms of the statutory tool and duty that provided councillors the means to raise a subject that could be debated and resolved upon.

Councillor A T Inch championed debate where full discussion enabled one to reflect and perhaps change their point of view.

Councillor Howell advocated a two minute window for the proposer to make their case.  Without a seconder any debate would prove to be a waste of time.  Councillor Langmead concurred.

Proposed by  Councillor Pester, seconded and

RESOLVED:  That the following amendments are made to Bideford Town Council’s Standing Orders:
•    That Standing Order 8.b is amended as follows:
o    Subject to standing orders 6(a) – (e) above, the Mover of a motion (including an amendment) shall have two minutes to explain the motion prior to calling for a Seconder.
•    Standing Order 8.u. is also amended as follows:
o    In respect of standing order 8(t) (iv) above, The Chairman shall be first satisfied that the motion has been sufficiently debated before it is put to the vote. The Chairman shall call upon the Mover of the motion under debate to      exercise or waive his right of reply and shall put the motion to the vote after that right has been exercised or waived.  The adjournment of a debate or of the meeting shall not prejudice the mover’s right of reply at the      resumption.

(Vote – For: 12, Against: 2, Abstention: 1)


Members received information from DALC on the procurement of audit process from 2017 onwards and considered electing an auditor for Bideford Town Council through the “Sector Led Body”.

The Town Clerk explained the options and benefits available to the Council.

Proposed by  Councillor Brenton, seconded and

RESOLVED: That the Council participates in the Auditor Selection via the Sector Led Body. 

(Vote – For: 15, Against: 0)


Submission by: Councillor Christie

“That this Council requests that Torridge District Council provide marked spaces for motorbikes on Chingswell Street.”

Following brief discussion Councillor Robinson advised that the remit for providing marked spaces for motorbikes on Chingswell Street would fall under DCC.

Councillor Christie submitted an amendment:
“That this Council requests that Devon County Council provide marked spaces for motorbikes on Chingswell Street.”

Proposed by Councillor Christie, seconded and

RESOLVED:  That the Amended Motion is carried.

(Vote – For: 15, Against: 0)


Submission by: Councillor Day – Submitted under Standing Order 18 (Rescission of previous Resolutions), as not all parts of his original Motion had been accepted by Members.
“To make sure all Bideford Town Council staff are paid a living wage and then become accredited with the Living Wage Foundation, generate procurement policy in line with the principles championed by the Foundation and encourage local councils and employers to become involved.”

Councillor Day advised that the 2016 amount for the Living Wage was £8.25 per hour.  He reiterated his August 2015 Motion, where:

•    Each member of (Council) staff must be paid the Living Wage
•    Accreditation (fifty pounds annual cost) would enable the Council to use the official logo (in the same manner as Fair Trade)
o    Positive Image
o    Plaque
•    Become part of a network
o    Advice on procurement

Looking beyond the Council encouragement could be given to the Bideford Chamber of Commerce Businesses and further lobby TDC and other local councils.

He added that the Foundation would provide ethical, practical and free advice.  There would be opportunities to network but confirmed that the Foundation was not affiliated to a party or political body.

Councillor Brenton seconded the Motion.

Discussion followed where the Town Clerk confirmed that the Council had agreed to pay the Living Wage and the procurement policy would indicate preference to those contractors who had confirmed Living Wage payment to their respective employees.

Members substantiated that while preference would be given it would not guarantee the award of a contract.

Councillor Brenton reminded Members that Torridge is the lowest paid area in the Country, the Council would be setting an example and it is Government policy (good Government policy).

Discussion continued including the affiliation fee payment and reference to the recently agreed amendment to Standing Orders and the Notice of Motion process.
Proposed by Councillor Day, seconded and

RESOLVED:  That the Motion is carried.

(Vote – For: 8, Against: 5, Abstention: 2)


Councillor Christie highlighted Leader Five funding availability.  (Councillor Howell volunteered to liaise with Karen Evans, from North Devon + to obtain more information.)

Members noted the Notes from the Bideford Town Centre Partnership Meeting held on 18 November 2015. 


There was no update.


Councillor Langmead confirmed that the transformation of Torridge District Council continued to go ahead.  The Planning Application for an office block would be considered in January 2016.

Similarly Brunswick Wharf planning adjustments would also be deliberated in January 2016.

He confirmed that the Tanton’s Hotel developer remained committed; challenges included the scaffolding for the building requiring traffic lights and road closures.

The Town Clerk will discuss caretaking cover with Adrian Blight and Andrew Waite, TDC in the New Year.

Councillor S G Inch made reference to the Wharf development, confirming retail and apartments replacing Town Houses.


Councillor Christie briefed Members on the income, expenditure, charitable donations and grants figures. 

Following an invitation from Councillor A T Inch, the Bridge Trust nominated Councillor Christie to join One Bideford.

The business of the meeting having been concluded the Mayor thanked the members for their attendance at the meeting which concluded at 8.30 pm.

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